Good governor training and support is the key to ensuring that all governing boards are effective and able to fulfil the functions now demanded of them. Using various methods of delivery, our highly regarded training programme is easy to access and will provide you with the tools you need to become an effective and well-informed governor.
Our governance online training platform offers 75+ engaging and interactive e-learning modules, which can be completed at any time.
We have successfully delivered live training events that were attended by over 2,210 individuals, further enhancing their governance knowledge and skills.
Live online training
We run a comprehensive range of online courses via webinar, with topics suitable for everyone – from governors just starting out to even the most seasoned governors and also governance professionals. These include the following:
- New governors (including Induction, Understanding Data, Safeguarding)
- Growing governors (including, Pupil Premium, Ofsted and Equalities)
- Experienced governors (including Handling Complaints and Pupil Exclusion)
- Clerks (Clerking Pupil Exclusion)
- Safeguarding (Child Protection, Safer Recruitment, Health and Safety)
Those buying in to our training package can book places on GovernorHub, those wishing to book places on an ad-hoc basis can book training via the website.

Whole Board training
For boards with specific training needs across the board, we offer bespoke two-hour face to face or webinar sessions, delivered in line with school priorities. These sessions are very effective and high valued by boards.
Schools are welcome to share the cost with other boards to promote sharing of best practice and development of local networks.
Email: to find out more or to book a session for your board.
Costs 2024-25
Annual Subscription Training Package: The BEP training package includes unlimited access to our collection of online modules (Modern Governor) and our full programme of live, interactive training sessions: £1,035
Annual Subscription Modern Governor only: £300
Pay as used webinar sessions: £80 (1.5 – 2 hours), £100 (3 hours plus)
Whole Board training sessions: £365